Online conference: professions and skills for the future
Within the “Parcours for the future” project, the partners will organize an online conference on European labour market trends and challenges in vocational education and training on October 17, from 10.00-12.00 (CET). Register for the conference online here.
Against a backdrop of climate change and digitalization, economies are shifting toward sustainability and environmental conservation as digital technology, automation, and artificial intelligence advance. How do these transformations challenge career guidance and training in European countries? What skills should young people acquire?
As part of the Erasmus+ project Parcours for the Future, the event aims to present the first findings on current trends in the employment and labor market in Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, and across the EU, as well as to open a debate on skills and orientation with experts, practitioners, and network partners.
The conference is open to educational stakeholders, especially the community of schools and education practitioners in partner countries and on a European level.
You can read more about the event at this link.
PAFF is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by Life e.V. (Germany), implemented by the project partners Alfa (Italy), ARNO (North Macedonia), Goethe-Institut Brüssel (Germany), GINNLab Goethe-Institut Innovation Lab (Italy) and Scoala de Valori (Romania).