A Closer Look at Social Enterprises image

A Closer Look at Social Enterprises




Custom made campaign for Social Enterprise Mark (UK)


social entrepreneurship, social economy, UK, campaign, certification

A Closer Look at Social Enterprises

As part of ARNO’s Founders Fellowship, awarded by the British Embassy in Skopje, ARNO developed a summer campaign that was designed to promote the mission of the Social Enterprise Mark from the United Kingdom. The Social Enterprise Mark is the only international certification for social enterprises. The Mark identifies businesses which meet defined criteria for social enterprise.

The goal of the summer campaign was to promote the concept of social entrepreneurship among the general UK public, through interactive tools. After a one-month stay in the UK within SE Mark, Irina’s work was to design and implement an online campaign that would get people’s attention and inspire them to think on the topic of social entrepreneurship. The output of the Fellowship and the close contact with the remarkable work of SE Mark was the Summer Campaign “A Closer Look at Social Enterprise”. ARNO’s team designed visuals and a Facebook Poll where users had the opportunity to answer and win travel vouchers from Travel Matters UK, a certified social enterprise. The Poll was further integrated at SE Mark webpage through expertise of ARNO members. The designs were created by Nikola Vojnov.

Highlights: While creating the campaign, the main lesson that was learned was the importance of certification of Social Enterprises. This became evident and the knowledge on certification of Social Enterprises was further advocated in our country.