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Workshops for Social Business ideas

πŸ“’ We would like to inform you that the application deadline has been extended to Monday, May 31, 11 h The selected candidates will be notified on Monday by 15 h.

ARNO, in cooperation with the Junus Center for Social Business at the Faculty of Economics – Skopje; University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, announces a Call for Participation for 3 workshops for development of ideas for social business. The Call is open for 20 students who would like to attend all 3 workshops (A, B, C). The workshops will take place online on the ZOOM platform.
Workshop language: Macedonian

Workshop A: June 1, 5pm- 7pm
Workshop B: June 2, 5 pm-8pm
Workshop C: June 3, 5 pm-8pm

The application form is open, please stateΒ  your honest motivation. The application processΒ  is open until May 31, until 11h. The selected participants will be notified on May 31, no later thanΒ  15h.

ARNO is a national incubator that, within the RISE (Regional Incubator for Social Enterprises) project, implements a program that enables young people to develop ideas for social businesses. Young entrepreneurs have the opportunity to learn, grow and develop their business ideas through workshops, mobility programs and financial support, while helping local communities to solve their problems.

These workshops are designed to raise awareness on the topic, but to also help young people who might want to submit to the next RISE call applications for the the RISE program (August/September 2021, to be further confirmed).

At the first workshop, Irina and Ivona from ARNO will give an introduction to the topic, an exclusive presentation of the program, the application, the experiences, and other backstage information about the project.
The second workshop is run by prof. Dr. Stojan Debarliev Faculty of Economics – Skopje, head of the Junus Center for Social Business. The second workshop is focused on how to find a solution to the problem, working in teams, developing ideas, business modeling.
The third workshop is dedicated to refinement of ideas through a creative process, by using design thinking methodology with the master creative Nikola Vojnov.

Frequently Asked Questions:
– Can I only come to the 2nd and 3rd workshops?
No, the workshops are designed to cover all application steps and are logically put in order (A, B.C)

-Do I have to be a student at UKIM, does it matter from which year and from which faculty?
Yes, this is a partnership of ARNO and Junus Center for Social Business, and in order to celebrate our first official collaboration we want to give a chance to UKIM students. Other young people who are interested should watch this space as we will openΒ  additional applications. And no, it doesn’t matter which faculty which year , as long as you are UKIM student.

– Should I have an idea?
No, just a desire to think, to be proactive, to work in a group, and to attend the 3 workshops.

RISE aims to improve the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Western Balkans and enable young people to develop innovative societal solutions, which will contribute to reconciliation and cooperation in the region.

The RISE project is developed and monitored by a consortium composed of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), GROUPE SOS Pulse, South East European Youth Network (SEEYN), Institut Francais, and the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ), and implemented by six local incubators: ARNO, Balkan Green Foundation, Nesto vise, Smart Kolektiv, IEC Tehnopolis and Yunus Social Business.

More information about the project:


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