Parkours for the future: Project meeting in Genoa image

Parkours for the future: Project meeting in Genoa

From May 30-31, Life e.V. organized a project meeting in Genoa, Italy, as part of the “Parkours for the Future” initiative. During the meeting, partners presented several innovative ideas and prototypes for stations developed using the co-design methodology, focusing on sustainability.

ARNO introduced the „Repair Station“ designed to positively impact both local and global communities. Representatives from partner organizations, including Marjan and Stefani from ARNO, tested and evaluated the stations aimed at shaping career guidance for young people. This process stimulated creativity and generated new ideas.

The team also visited the „Accademia Marina Mercantile“ gaining insights into the Italian school system and non-formal education.

PAFF is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by Life e.V. (Germany), implemented by the project partners Alfa (Italy), ARNO (North Macedonia), Goethe-Institut Brüssel (Germany), GINNLab Goethe-Institut Innovation Lab (Italy) and Scoala de Valori (Romania).

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