Creation of a register of youth social enterprises- request for input image

Creation of a register of youth social enterprises- request for input

ARNO had been contracted committed to work on the creation of a register of social enterprises * (with a focus on -youth-) and calls out colleagues and the public to assist in the data collection. This register is one of the main activities of the project SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR YOUTH EMPLOYMENT –  implemented by the National Youth Council of the Republic of Macedonia (NMSM). The registry will serve as a tool for sharing new information, opportunities and funding, and it aims to help create a better ecosystem. Anyone with information should complete one of the questionnaires:

Registry for ideas
Registry for existing entities

In this process we work according to the general definition taken from the Strategy for Social Enterprises: “social enterprise is defined as an operator in the social economy whose main goal is to have a social impact by providing goods and services in the market in an innovative and entrepreneurial way, its profit is used primarily to achieve social goals, and it is managed in participatory way by involving employees, consumers and stakeholders who are influenced by its activities “.  The goal for now is to map out as many entities as possible, after which we will filter the answers we receive.

“Although this is a small and initial step, it still points to the civic responsibility to contribute to the processes. The support of citizens and colleagues means a lot to us, because we want to create a comprehensive, transparent database, as opposed to a limiting one, based on personal friendships and assumptions. The idea of ​​the database is in the next phase to provide contact and information on grant support and training. We need help from everyone, and we expect everyone who has information to enter it. This is in everyone’s interest.”


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