(Extended call) RISE Journey 5: Call for young social entrepreneurs image

(Extended call) RISE Journey 5: Call for young social entrepreneurs

The Organization for Social Innovation “ARNO” as a local incubator in the project Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE), opens the Call for young people (16-35) with innovative ideas for social and green businesses for solving social and environmental challenges. The call for applications for the fifth edition of the RISE program is extended until 29 September 2024, at 23.59h.

Are you a young individual between 16 and 35? Do you have a team with an idea for a socially and environmentally responsible business? Are you passionate about making a positive change in your local community? If so, the RISE program is just for you!

RISE is designed to empower and support young individuals in the Western Balkans, offering them the tools and resources needed to transform their innovative ideas into sustainable social enterprises. RISE will give you the opportunity to:

  • gain knowledge and insights from top-notch organizations, mentors, and experts on important and trendy topics and methodologies (branding, storytelling, green budgeting, intercultural skills for entrepreneurs, design thinking, public relations, pitching, etc.,)
  • be awarded a grant for further development of your idea in the amount of 2.500 euros, without the obligation to establish a new legal entity (business/NGO, although such a step is strongly encouraged)
  • experience exciting regional mobility and visit other social enterprises, institutions, or businesses in the Western Balkans and get motivated and inspired by their stories
  • acquire modern and practical skills, and gain valuable opportunities for personal and professional development
  • become part of the largest alumni network of young social entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans and establish connections and share experiences with fellow RISEs
  • familiarize yourself with key stakeholders within the social economy landscape in the Western Balkans, and learn more about the new responsible and ethical business models for the 21st-century challenges

To apply, you must fill out the application form in English by 29 September 2024, at 23.59h. The form is available HERE. Prior to submitting your application, we kindly request that you carefully review the following documents:

The RISE program believes in the talent and innovativeness of the Western Balkan youth and supports them to thrive and lead the change in their local communities. RISE is not just another program for social entrepreneurs, but, a life-changing experience for many youngsters in the region. In the first three editions of the program, RISE has supported over 500 young social entrepreneurs and 175 social enterprise ideas, many of them, growing into operating social businesses, also receiving other regional awards, and grants, and attracting the attention of donors and the media. Our RISErs change lives and communities, nurture values of solidarity, and help citizens in need. We are delighted to witness their growth and impact and stay committed to our mission to create new social entrepreneurs and strengthen our RISE community.

*The working language of the program is Macedonian, with frequent usage of international terminology and literature in English, while the regional activities and communication are conducted entirely in the English language.

Follow us on social media for the latest information (Facebook, Instagram).

This project is co-funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), and the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. The RISE project is led by a consortium composed of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), GROUPE SOS Pulse, South East European Youth Network (SEEYN), and the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ), and implemented by six local incubators: ARNO (N. Macedonia), Balkan Green Foundation (Kosovo), Nesto vise (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Smart Kolektiv (Serbia), IEC Tehnopolis (Montenegro) and Yunus Social Business (Albania).

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